Women think about what to wear for hours before going out. Many women in hijab open their wardrobe  and think for hours about what to combine by showing their own style. Sometimes they may be late for the meeting. But, the tunic trouser combination which is a trend this year helps women. Thanks to the combinations consisting of the same color tunic and trouser, they stop to think for hours about what to wear, which clothes they can combine. For example; you can easily go out by wearing a purple tunic trouser combination with a black shawl. Tunics in these combinations can be in different models and lengths. The model and length of the tunic can be different according to the women’s choice. It is not necessary to make these combinations with a plain tunic. Many patterns like flower or stripe can be used on tunics with trousers. It can be seen to combine a patterned trouser with a plain tunic. This type of difference can be seen according to women’s style and choice.

Another easy combination sample is vest suit combinations. Short or long shirts can be preferred above the trousers. We can add a long vest to this combination. The length of the shirt is not important as vest is worn. But the arm length is very important. The reason of that is being lack of arms. The model and color of the vest can change. Also, the difference of fabric can change according to the seasons. While thin fabric vest is preferred in Summer, thick fabric like cachet is preferred in Winter. Both the colors and models of the vests can vary. Many vest types such as with and without one or more buttons, zip are presented to customers in shops.

Of course, combinations are not only made with tunic and vest. Another combination type is double suits consisting of topcoat and tunic. These suits are the most common hijab combination for Fall months. These combinations can be made with topcoats at the same length with tunic or longer above a long tunic and a trouser. Topcoats have many different models as well. There are topcoats not only with collar but also without collar.

MSL - Double Combine MSL1161 Mint


1,329.90 TL
389.90 TL
MSL - Double Combine MSL1161 Lilac


1,329.90 TL
389.90 TL
MRV B.L.U. - The Headline Rubberized Team 2252BLU1068-M Khaki


MRV B.L.U. - The Headline Rubberized Team 2252BLU1068-M Coffee


MRV B.L.U. - The Headline Rubberized Team 2252BLU1068-M Black


MRV B.L.U. - The Headline Rubberized Team 2252BLU1068-M Indigo


MRV D.V.L. - Arma Detail Double Team 360DVL897-M Black


1,179.89 TL
779.90 TL
MRV D.V.L. - Arma Detail Double Team 360DVL897-M Indigo


1,179.89 TL
779.90 TL
MRV D.V.L. - Arma Detail Double Team 360DVL897-M Mint


1,179.89 TL
779.90 TL
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.